Thursday, November 4, 2010

Battle of the Billionares

It is very important to know how many people are living in India.  We should take special care to notice their population.  The article stated that there are approximately 1.35 billion people living in India today.  The article also states that India has many more males living in its country than females.  The article states “Due to the enormous size of their populations, international migration plays a demographically negligible role in the growth of China and India.”  This and other reasons make it important to care about India’s population.  If India’s population is decreasing, it affects the world because other countries won’t get the things that they need. 
It is very wrong for governments to force families to have fewer children.  It is the family’s decision to have as many children as they want as long as they can afford it.  Governments limit the amount of kids mothers can have in hopes of reducing the population.  In the long run, it only makes matters worse because once the older people start to die, there won’t be any younger ones to replace them.  If the population keeps decreasing then the entire country will fall because there won’t be enough people to support it.

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