Saturday, November 13, 2010


        This article is talking about how China is bonding with the United Sates.  One of China's biggest enemies is India.  From China's perspective this is good because the United States has a lot of military power.  From the United Staes perspective this is bad because we don't have a big problem with India.  Joining China's side could stir up trouble and posssibly start another war.  The title to this article is Containment-Lite.  I think it is saying that the United States does not want to take sides but we don't just want to ignore a possible situation between China and India.  We want to be able to intervene to a certain extent, but to the point where we are playing favorites and are just making matters worse.  I agree with a statement the author makes.  He said that you should not believe everything you hear in the news.  Many times the news article you are reading only gives you half of the story.  The reporter never gives you the other half of the srtory, so you wind up thinking that they are is right.

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