Monday, October 11, 2010

Palestinian Blog Post

     I read an article from PressTV called "Violence Will Rise if Mideast Talks Fail."  It talks about how violence is likely to increase in the Middle East if the Palestinians and Israelis don’t reach an agreement to resolve their land dispute.  The Palestinians and Israelis have been fighting over land for a very long time.  In September, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian Authority Chief, Mahmoud Abbas, met to try to come to some kind of agreement that would resolve their land ownership issues. Unfortunately, nothing was resolved.  Jordan's King Abdullah II is encouraging the two countries to keep trying to work things out.  The article is written from a fairly neutral position.  It doesn’t seem to support either the Palestinian or Israeli land position.  It is just reporting on the status of the peace talks.  There is a lot of background and historical information that is not included in the article that would help the reader understand exactly what the land issues are and the position of each country.  The purpose of the article is to inform the reader that the meetings have stopped, so it doesn't seem like any information about the meeting status has been left out.  Since the writer didn’t take a side, he or she should have no reason to leave any part of the report out. 
article source:
(2010, October 11).'violence will rise if mideast talks fail'. Retrieved from

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