Thursday, November 4, 2010

Earth In Peril

Tab 1: Density
1.      This tab is about how populated different countries in the world are.  The map shows that the most populated area in the world is India.  It has a population of 1.1 billion.
2.      What countries would benefit from a greater population? Which countries would benefit from a lesser population? Why?
Tab 2: Growth
1.      This section is about population growth.  Researchers expect the population to grow to 9 billion by 2050.  It also states that some countries will double in size.  Countries will be consuming more products including fossil fuels that can’t be renewed as fast.
2.      Do you think that population increases in a poor country are generally for the better or the worse? Why?
Tab 3: Cities
1.      This paragraph talks about city growth.  It states that in 2030, over 60% of the population will be living in an urban location.  There won’t be enough electricity, water, and sewage systems to keep up with the demand for them
2.      Come up with a new way to make electricity.  It can be something that would actually work or you can make it up. Be creative!!  Explain how it works and why it will solve the world’s problem for the demand of fuel.
Tab 4: Water
1.      Water covers over 70% of Earth.  However, most of the water on Earth is salt water and humans and other organisms need a continuous supply fresh water to survive.  The little amount of fresh water that we do have is becoming polluted. 
2.      Research and find one organization that is trying to reduce water pollution.  Tell what they do reduce the pollution and how they make it happen.
Tab 5: Air
1.      This tab is about how the amount of carbon dioxide has increased almost 30% in the last 200 years.  The world’s population is becoming larger so the demand for buildings and cars is increasing.  The cars and factories produce a lot of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere. 
2.      Car manufacturers are producing a new type of car called a hybrid.  Research and decide whether these kinds of cars are good or bad for our environment.
Tab 6: Climate
1.      Air pollution causes the temperature in the atmosphere to go up.  In the next century, researchers predict that the atmospheric temperature will go up 11 degrees Fahrenheit.  This could cause drought in warm areas and flooding in cooler areas.
2.      What do you think causes the Earth’s climate to change?
Tab 7: Forest
1.      Forests all around the world are disappearing and we need to do something to protect them.   Only about 40% of all the rainforests in the world are left.
2.      Why are rainforests so important to protect? What role do they play in Earth’s ecosystem?
Tab 8: Land
1.      Human are destroying land on Earth.  As population increases, humans are making more land and increasing the chance of flooding that can’t be stopped because natural resources are no longer there like trees, mud, and grass.
2.      Do you think that if the population in the world decreased it would restore land masses or make it worse? Why?
Tab 9: Habitats
1.      Humans are decreasing many animal’s habitats by using the land for other things.  The population of fish is going down because too many people are fishing and coral reefs are dying because of global warming.
2.      Why are coral reefs important to our habitat on Earth and what does global warming have to do with it?

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