Monday, September 13, 2010

homework September 13, 2010

Globalization is mentioned in this story because Mozambique gets a lot of wheat that they need for bread from Russia.  Mozambique is affected by globalization because Russia stopped exporting wheat.  Russia had a drought and needed to keep what little wheat they had for their own country. Mozambique now has to pay more for wheat because it is getting harder to find. 
Location: coastal lowlands, and high plateaus, tropical climate
Population: 21,669,278
Life Expectancy: male: 41.83years,  female: 40.53 years
TFR: 5.13 children per woman
Religions: Catholic: 23.8%, Muslim: 17.8%, Zionist Christian: 17.5%, other 17.8%,
none: 23.1%
Literacy Rate: male: 63.5%, female: 32.7
Independance Day: June 25, 1975
Labor Force by occupation: agriculture: 81%, industry: 6%, service 13%
Population Below the poverty line: 70%
% of the land airable: 5.43%
Trannational issues: there are no disputes right now, the economy is weak

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