Thursday, September 16, 2010

Affects on United States Airlines before and after September 11, 2001

On September 11, 2001, a terrible thing happened in New York City that would affect the airline industry forever.  A group of terrorists flew two planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.  The damage to the two buildings caused them to collapse, and thousands of people lost their lives.  As a result of that day, security at airports has become tighter to make it more difficult for terrorists to take certain things onto airplanes.  The hope is that this will help keep air travellers safe from another hostile takeover of an aircraft.   Air traffic controllers now use improved technology to monitor the skies..  New equipment and better facilities are being developed nationwide to make sure each and every person who flies on an American plane reaches his or her  destination safely. 
In November, 2001, President Bush signed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, or the ATSA.  One provision of this act requires every airport security worker to be a Federal employee.  This gave the government greater control over airport security procedures. 
Security in airports has become much tighter since the attacks on September 11.  Before the attacks, travellers could bring bottles of water, shampoo, and other liquids onto airplanes in their carryon luggage.  Today, the maximum amount of liquid that can be carried onto an aircraft is 3.4 ounces.  Sharp objects, chemicals, candles, cooking oils, and gel shoe inserts may only be transported in checked luggage.  Guns, explosive and flammable materials, lighters, knives, and other dangerous items are not allowed on planes at all, even in checked luggage.  Prior to  September 11, 2001, people were allowed to travel with  these items. 
Due to the events on  September 11, 2001, airlines lost more than twenty-six billion dollars.  All air travel was prohibited for several days following the attacks, costing the airlines millions of dollars.  After the attacks, people were afraid to  fly.  There was a lot of uncertainty because people were afraid of more terrorist attacks.   
As time passed without any additional attacks, people gradually relaxed and started to return to air travel.   In June 2008, air travel was the second highest method  of transportation in the United States.  This shows that people are comfortable with the security procedures that are now in place and that they  feel safe traveling on airplanes again.   

Monday, September 13, 2010

homework September 13, 2010

Globalization is mentioned in this story because Mozambique gets a lot of wheat that they need for bread from Russia.  Mozambique is affected by globalization because Russia stopped exporting wheat.  Russia had a drought and needed to keep what little wheat they had for their own country. Mozambique now has to pay more for wheat because it is getting harder to find. 
Location: coastal lowlands, and high plateaus, tropical climate
Population: 21,669,278
Life Expectancy: male: 41.83years,  female: 40.53 years
TFR: 5.13 children per woman
Religions: Catholic: 23.8%, Muslim: 17.8%, Zionist Christian: 17.5%, other 17.8%,
none: 23.1%
Literacy Rate: male: 63.5%, female: 32.7
Independance Day: June 25, 1975
Labor Force by occupation: agriculture: 81%, industry: 6%, service 13%
Population Below the poverty line: 70%
% of the land airable: 5.43%
Trannational issues: there are no disputes right now, the economy is weak

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homework from September 8, 2010

1) stacking doll from Russia.  
population: 140,041,247
labor by occupation:agriculture: 10%, industry: 31.9%, and services 58.1%
unemployment: 8.4%
percent below poverty line: 15.8%
Map of Russia

2)  plate made in Taiwan:
population: 22,974,347
labor by occupation:agriculture: 5.1%, industry: 36.8%, and services 58%
unemployment: 5.9%
percent below poverty line: 1.8%
Map of Taiwan

3) figurine from Japan:
labor by occupation:agriculture: 45, industry: 28%, services: 68%
unemployment: 5.1%
percent below the poverty line: 1.3%
Map of Japan

4) cookies made in France

labor by occupation:agriculture: 3.8%, industry: 24.3%, services; 71.8% 
unemployment: 9.1%
percent below the poverty line: 6.2%
Map of France

5)plastic action figure made in China

labor by occupation:agriculture: agriculture: 39.5%, industry: 27.2%, services: 33.2% 
unemployment: 4.3%
percent below the poverty line: 2.8%
Map of China